Dan and Leyla's wedding Adam's home page
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Dan is an old friend from school. He married Leyla in an absolutely fantastic wedding in Cambridge, on 1st September 2001.

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chapel 1
Service 17 photos
The wedding ceremony in St. John's Chapel, where Dan and Leyla both studied when they were at Cambridge.  
Leyla speech
Drinks 20 photos
Drinks in the Master's Gardens.  
Punts 10 photos
Finally we all trooped across the Bridge of Sighs to shower Dan and Leyla with confetti and cheers as they got punted past on their way to Queen's for the reception.  
Reception 9 photos
Finally to Queen's College for an Iranian wedding, dinner, then dancing!  
Recovery brunch 3 photos
The day after the night before - recuperation at the nearest pub, which handily happened to be that fine establishment, the Anchor.