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25th August - the day of the wedding itself.

First I picked up Jess and Holly - two delightful school-friends of Bear's - from Dublin airport and brought them back to Donard. From early morning it had been pelting with rain, so things looked very ominous. Then with immaculate timing it miraculously turned into the perfect day ...

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Hollywood Inn
Lunch 4 photos
A few of us had lunch at Hollywood Inn.  
hostel view
Hostel 9 photos
Many of us (mainly mathematicians!) stayed overnight at the youth hostel in Ballinaclea, just up the road from Donard.  
church 1
Service 31 photos
The wedding ceremony at Donard Church, given by Bear's grandfather, Canon John Flinn.  
Wedding reception 51 photos
After the service everyone traipsed up to Kilcoagh, Bear's family's house, to enjoy the Boltons' unbelievably generous hospitality.  
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