Ben & Bear's wedding Adam's home page
tree :: Adam's photos :: Friends :: Ben & Bear's wedding 119 photos, 7 sub-albums

On 25th August 2001, Ben and Bear, two of my best friends ever, got married in Donard, which is Bear's home village in county Wicklow, Ireland. Several hundred friends and relatives came from all over the world to be there. I had one of the best weekends of my life - thank you to everyone who contributed to making it such a wonderful wedding.

Top Up    
group 1
Friday 3 photos
24th August - Lots of people arrived the night before the wedding, in order to sample Paddy Toomey's most excellent Guinness.  
church 1
Saturday 96 photos, 4 sub-albums
25th August - the day of the wedding itself.  
group 5
Sunday 19 photos
26th August - recovery brunch!  
thank you note
Sm  Med  Orig